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Steven Brown

Pastor Steven was born in Calgary where he would grow up until the age of 12 before moving to Sundre. Moving again and graduating in Okotoks he would meet his wife Sharlene in school and marry her in 1997. As they grew in their relationship with the Lord their family grew as well. Having 4 children of their own Hanah-Joy (married to Caleb), Joah (married to Addy), Esther and Isaiah the Lord would bless them with the opportunity to welcome 2 more into their family, Addy and Racheal.

For more then 20 years Pastor Steven believed God had a call on his life to plant and pastor a church. During this time he was able to attend 2 church planting churches serving as an elder at each, pastor a small country church for a season and then coming on staff and currently serving as an Assistant Pastor at White Fields beginning in 2020.

Pastor Steven has a passion to see the Lord raise up others in ministry by recognizing the Lord's spiritual gifting and coming alongside them to encourage them to step in faith as the Lord provides opportunities. He loves children and having been involved in the children’s ministry from the time of His own children in nursery, he continues to emphasize this importance and vision within RDCC.

Pastor Steven loves to reach out into the world with the gospel through missions. Seeing the Lord strengthen and challenge teams as they share the gospel through evangelism and personal testimonies, hearts are eternally changed as people give their lives to Jesus.

As a church planter in central Alberta, Pastor Steven prayerfully seeks the Lord to raise up other church planters that can reach other towns and cities within his home province, Canada and the world.

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