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Our History

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV gavel

Through steadfast prayer and a desire to see the Lord do a new work, a Calvary Chapel style of work in Red Deer, prayers would be offered to the Lord for 15 years. Trusting in the Lord and waiting upon His timing the Lord would unite believers in Red Deer for the first Bible study on March 27, 2024. The Lord would continue to bring others who were longing for verse-by-verse Bible teaching and within 4 weeks the Lord would bring the Bible Study under the ministry of White Fields Calvary Church and revealed who the pastor would be of this new flock. By week 6 together they would be walking by faith, dependant upon the Holy Spirits leading and preparing their hearts to love all those whom the Lord would gather.

White Fields' desire is for this church plant to remain faithful to the proclaiming of God’s word through expositional teaching, verse-by-verse through the Bible to fully equip each saint with the whole council of the word. A steady diet of the scriptures within the context of how each letter was written and provided by God to the ready. We teach the word simply for all to hear and grow in. Our environment is open to all to come as you are as we together seek God’s word to speak to our hearts the truth we need and He being the potter, mould and shape our lives for His Glory.

As the Lord leads, we hope to see you at our next time of fellowship.