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Glorifying God Together

Thank you for supporting the ministries of RDCC

Giving is one of the acts of worship a believer in Jesus can take part in. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 we read "So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” We are committed to using your gifts wisely and in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord to further the Kingdom of God through Bible teaching, outreaches, and missions.

We are a ministry of White Fields Calvary Church so all giving is through White Fields. To ensure your donation is allocated to RDCC please insure you note on you cheque, offering envelope or a note on your e-transfer “RDCC”.

For cheques or cash offerings the offering box is available each service. Please indicate RDCC on your cheque or offering envelope.

You can mail cheques to 272108 Range Rd NE, Airdrie, AB T4A 2V7

We have made Giving available to you through e-Transfer for your convenience. If the Lord leads you to give to RDCC with e-Transfer, then please continue reading for instructions on how to make a donation.

To send an Interac e-Transfer

  1. Login to online or mobile banking at your participating financial institution
  2. Choose Interac e-Transfer within the Transfer/Payment menu options
  3. Create/Select a recipient by entering email address:
  4. Follow the instructions, in the notes section indicate your full name, RDCC, and complete the transfer
  • Interac e-Transfer confirmation numbers are saved in your online banking history
  • You will receive an email notification and/or text message once the transfer has gone through depending on your set up with your financial institution
  • White Fields is set up for automatic deposit so no password is needed

If you have any further questions, please email Michelle Duffy at or
call 587-997-4886.

What is an Interac e-Transfer?

Interac e-Transfer is a simple, convenient, and secure option to send money directly from one bank account to another. All you need is access to online or mobile banking through a participating financial institution, and you can send money to RDCC — without sharing any personal financial information. It is an alternative way to give, or pay registration fees for church activities you or your family are participating in.

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